Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic doctors are the leading experts in natural medicine, utilizing the 6 naturopathic principles and the Therapeutic Order as the framework of individulalized care.

Naturopathic doctors are trained in conventional care as well as botanical medicine, counseling, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, injection therapy, nutrition, and soft tissue mobilization to provide patients with patient specific care.

Rooted in 6 Naturopathic Principles, naturopathic medicine offers a unique partnership in the current landscape of healthcare.

  1. Primum non nocere (first do no harm)
  2. Docere (doctor as teacher)
  3. Tolle totum (treat the whole person)
  4. Tolle causam (treat the cause)
  5. Prevenir (prevention)
  6. Vis medicatrix naturae (the healing power of nature)

The Therapeutic Order

Along with the 6 Naturopathic Principles, the Therapeutic Order provides further structure to direct the application of the principles to focus on patient centered care, with the goal of using the least force necessary to reach your health goals. 

Starting at the bottom to focus on establishing a solid foundation through the determinants of health, we work our way up in order to create an individualized treatment plan, increasing interventions as needed to bring you back into alignment with your health goals. 

“The Therapeutic Order characterizes the natural progression of naturopathic therapuetic recommendations to maximize patient benefit and reduce the potential for damage or harm. Naturopathic care ultimately focuses on the individual and what is best for them at that moment in time.” – The AANMC